Stucco Color Options For Your Home

Stucco Colors

If you are applying exterior stucco to your home and you don't like the natural color of the material then painting stucco is definitely an option. There are actually three different ways you can color stucco including painting, using different stucco mixes, and adding oxide pigments.

Think about keep in mind when painting stucco is you need to be sure that the wall is able to be painted. For those who have just applied the retaining wall siding then you should wait up to 6 weeks before applying any kind of paint. If you need to repair damaged drywall then you should do this first. Repairing damages ought to be done prior to applying any type of stucco mixture. It is recommended you repair all cracks and apply new stucco before you decide to attempt to paint.

If you want to paint stucco the best paints to make use of are acrylic based paints. Don't use oil-based paints because they tend to interfere with the way the paint actually works and dries on stucco. Not only does the paint not stick to the material but the oils within the paint are not good for the material. Acrylic paint is the greatest option for painting stucco also it should be the only consideration. There are many colors for you to choose from. The best colors of paint that look the most attractive on stucco would be the earthy tones. Colors like beige, tan, peach, and sand look the most attractive on this material. However, you can paint a stucco house any color you want.

There are other ways to select a color without painting stucco. You can actually add oxide pigment to the stucco mixture prior to applying it to the retaining wall. Oxide pigments may also allow you to choose different colors. These pigments are added to the finish coat after the top coat of stucco has finished curing. If you do choose to use pigment to color the stucco, make sure to carefully measure the mixture of every batch. Obviously one batch isn't enough for an entire house. You will have to make the mixture a handful of times. If you don't pay attention to the exact amount of pigment you're mixing in then your colors around the home will not be consistent.

Some people want bright white stucco. The only disadvantage of something similar to this is if you live inside a dusty environment or even the desert then the dirt and dust will be more visible. You will have to spray your home down having a hose more often. Painting stucco is not needed if you want white. When mixing the types of materials for applying exterior stucco, you will need to use white Portland cement, lime, and white silica sand. This will allow the stucco to appear white without having to paint it.

Stucco Colors - There are lots of ways you can change the color of stucco if you do not like the natural grey color it offers when it dries. Painting stucco is definitely an option but you can also change the color of the stucco during the mixing process by utilizing oxide pigments or different stucco and sand mixtures.